Merry Christmas!
It’s been a busy, eventful year for the Cogan Station Matthews, starting with a cancer scare for Faron in January. Actually, it started Christmas Eve when he was told it was likely he had prostate cancer, and that the spots on his lungs could very well be lung cancer. Backing up a bit, he’d had swine flu in the fall, with a bit of pneumonia, so no one was sure if those spots were leftover “effluvia” from the flu or the start of something more ominous. Thankfully, when all the tests were done, and even when he was double-checked 6 months later, no cancer found. A very scary time but we’re very thankful that’s all it was – a scare!
We’ve all had a bit of a travel bug this past year, Tiana and I more than the guys – not that they don’t want to. We just get more opportunities. Tiana went back to Minnesota twice last summer, once as a planned trip, and another time because she was homesick. She went back one more time when her grandmother passed on, later in September. Her other travels included a couple of trips to Atlantic City, a flying trip to Las Vegas with a friend, which dovetailed nicely with a trip to Durham, NC for a conference, causing her to be gone for a very long 9 days, as Jason would attest! Last trip was with Jason, in November, when the two of them went to Hawaii to see Tiana’s good friend, Bobbie and her family. They had a lovely 11 days there and if they could have figured a way to finance it, they’d have stayed. One trip to the grocery store cured them both, though. They got a box of cereal and stuff to make a taco salad and spent well over $100.
I had a few trips, too. In May, I went with Hazel and Ron to enjoy a few days at a rented beach house on Cape Hatteras, NC, with Hazel’s son, Duke and wife Darla, their son, Erik and his wife Amber and son, Kael, as well as Amber’s parents and sister. Stacy, Mel & Magaly were there, too. Well, Mel left before we got there, but we chose not to take that personally. Our niece, Tammy and her husband Leroy live on the island and this was my first time there.
Of course, always the adventurer, the first morning there, I fell and broke my foot, restricting my movement a great deal while it got bigger and bigger and more and more purple. While everyone went to the beach one day, Tammy took Ron and me on a tour of the island. We had a blast. She even got me down the beach, right to the water in her snazzy little pickup truck. It was a great time, although Hazel and I have decided never, ever again will we rent a house and call it “vacation.” Having been on a couple of cruises – THAT’S a vacation! This was a beautiful house but the main living area was on the third level, and even without a broken foot, I doubt I’d have gone upstairs much. As it was, I was grounded.
Early in June I went to visit Amy & the kids for a week while Joe was off on Guard duty. We had a wonderful visit. It was great to see the kids on their own turf and to see up close and personal just what a great mom Amy is! Those children are certainly blessed with their parents. Joe’s the original Super Dad and Amy’s got her own Superhero cape, too. It goes without saying that our “bonus” grandchildren are practically perfect in every way, but it’s easy to see how it happens. The boys are now 3.5 and 20 months old and they keep us laughing and give us so much love – we’re so thankful that their biological grandparents are so wonderful about sharing them with us.
Jason’s travel was limited to the trip to Hawaii apart from a trip over New Year’s with Tiana to her parents’ in Minnesota. He experienced -40 temps with even more wicked wind chill factors and he chanted, “I love my wife. I love my wife. I love my wife,” to keep himself from heading right on home! In the spring they did get away for a weekend to the Finger Lakes for a wine tour and came home with a few old favorite wines and a couple of new ones.
Faron & I had a lovely trip to Bar Harbor/Acadia National Park in September, stopping to climb the Mt Washington Auto Road (in our tiny Yaris!) on the way home. The weather in Maine was pretty nasty – raining and cool, but we still enjoyed it a great deal. Faron even tried and enjoyed a lobster roll! He wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic about his first ocean “voyage,” a trip on a whale watching tour. We had a great trip for seeing sea birds and whales – we saw 6 whales, but he was miserably seasick out and back.
On the way home through New Hampshire we stopped in Jackson to do the Auto Road – a 7 mile climb at a 40 degree incline. First gear all the way – in fact you are warned not to use any other gear, and not to stop your car. Either way will end up unhappily! That day was sunny and the mountains were ablaze with fiery color, and it was a lovely 70 degree day. It’s a trip we hope to repeat one day, perhaps with Jason and Tiana. We learned that my being disabled has an advantage – I have lifetime free access to National Parks – me and my party.
Apart from travel, we enjoyed many cookouts, the four of us, and visits from Joe & Amy and the boys a few times. Faron and our friend Peter planted a huge garden on the flat at the bottom of our property, corn and potatoes and pumpkins and melons and cucumbers. And Faron planted another garden up behind the barn – tomatoes and peppers and onions and peas and carrots. Celery, too but it never came up. We got 91 packages of corn in the freezer, and I lost count of the bags of green peppers. We didn’t get any tomatoes put up – we just weren’t prepared for that, although maybe next year we’ll take a shot at some salsa. A lot of potatoes, more than enough for both households, but our pumpkins weren’t as plentiful or as big as the year before. Thankfully, we didn’t have to disappoint the boys – Joe & Amy couldn’t get up before Halloween so they got their pumpkins elsewhere.
I swam a lot this past summer and generally tried to get in as many outings as possible, knowing that winter sees me cooped up pretty tight. Faron & Jason continued their diligent work on the house, closing in the back porch to make what is now our “spa” room. We got a hot tub in the fall, as well as a wood stove that fits as though it were made to do so, in the fire place Faron built out there when we first bought the house. After a bit of tweaking and by adding a damper, it takes no time to warm the room up to more than 70 degrees, making it almost too warm to enjoy the hot tub. But we do enjoy it, Faron especially. I like it, but it doesn’t like my sensitive skin. Jason & Tiana love it but they only get up on weekends Tiana doesn’t work.
The guys are also working on adding a workshop to the back of the barn, so Faron can put all his power tools in a place that can be heated, unlike the barn, and, that can be locked up, again, unlike the barn. He’s hoping to be able to do some woodworking for pleasure someday.
So that’s what we’ve been keeping ourselves busy with – all of us. We are blessed in our children by birth, “adoption,” and marriage and in our grandbabies, and while we both wouldn’t mind replacing a few aching body parts, we’ve enjoyed good health this past year and are thankful for it. So as we approach this time of remembering the incredible blessing of the birth of Christ, we would hope that this year has found you all with similar blessings. We hope to see each and every one of you as often as possible. See how cozy and inviting the house looks with the Christmas lights? As far as we’re concerned, the welcome mat is always out – stop by and see us sometime!
Faron & Cindy
Jason & Tiana
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