July 13, 2011
A new project and a couple of photos I promised from the other day.
First, our sweet, wee Emily getting mashed in the face with a cupcake by her great-grandma.
Hazel just held the cupcake. Emily would mash her face into it, not wanting to miss a tiny bit. She had cake and frosting everywhere!
But it’s lemon so you can’t really see how messy she was.
And I promised a photo of Ron when he talks about scary movies. (Which is where he is as I type – at his friend Bobby’s house, eating Chinese and watching scary movies.)
Before I got that shot, though, he noticed I had the camera and waited expectantly for me to take a photo:
This was at just before 6 am. And he was rarin’ to go.
Faron got a new project to work on yesterday. A friend had this old piece just hanging out at the back of his property, and wasn’t interested himself in re-building it, although he’ll be happy to use it when Faron finishes it. (WHEN….)
Anyone know what it is? He got it from Hank Schoeneck if that helps anyone to figure out what it is.
His job interview went well this morning, as far as he could tell – they said they’ll call him by the end of the week for a 2nd interview. I guess that means he made the first cut? He didn’t like that they asked all those goofy situational ethics questions: “You and a co-worker are working alone. You see your co-worker steal something. What do you do?” Or, “You and a co-worker don’t like each other. Do you ask your supervisor never to ask you to work together?” Faron finds all of that stuff very silly. He comes from an age where questions have a right and a wrong answer and you don’t take your personal stuff to work. Easy.
We continue to search the web for other places to apply and today he applied for a position of custodian at Lycoming College.
I got out swimming yesterday but due to some kind of strangeness between Dr W’s office and Silverscript/CVSCare prescription coverage, I’ve been waiting 3 weeks for one of my main pain meds. And today, I ordered a refill from the local CVS of the prednisone I’ve been taking and they gave Faron one of the scripts I’d ordered through mail order! Crazy. So he has to go back down the road now to get the prednisone. I’m hurting. I’ve been claying, of course. Currently working on my challenge piece for next month’s Challenge, “Under The Sea.” It’s a piece for my grandboys’ bedroom. They got all of the bits I did last year with that theme for another challenge, which I think was “Flora & Fauna.” That’s all I’m saying for now.