April 4, 2010

  • Happy Easter! First egg hunt down, 2nd today...

    In the meantime, here are a few photos from yesterday's egg hunt with just Derek & Jared - Joe and Amy came up just for the day, just so we four grandparents could spoil the kids.  :)

    Before they had a chance to get all messy - our beautiful boys with their parents.  Love this pic.  The belly laughs were achieved with grandma's fake sneezes.  Jared thinks sneezes are hysterically funny.

    First eggs found - Derek got a mint, his favorite candy. 

    Jared got bunnymallows.  Worked for him.

    Daddy trying to get them motivated to get MORE eggs.  It took a while. 

    A Bob & Larry movie! What excitement!

    Jared figured out just what he likes!

    But some taste better with Grandpa Faron's help:

    Grandpa's quite talented:


    Derek finds The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything.  Or, as he shouted, "Pirates who don't anyfing!"

    Grandpa's Veggie Tales challenged - but Derek's taking care of that. 

    Derek kept having trouble with eggs.  And if they didn't have mints in them, he'd toss 'em over his shoulder.

    We got them a golf set that they loved.

    A bit short...in the legs, in skill - but not in enthusiasm!

    Our very own Dorf on Golf:

    Ours is much cuter, and gives the sweetest hugs!

    And sticky kisses...

    Happy Easter.  He is risen!


March 30, 2010

March 28, 2010

  • Great bunch of prizes on offer this month!


    These are the prizes in the pool for our PCAGOE April Challenge, the theme of which is "Inspired by Fabric". Vote between April 1 and April 7, 2010 and you could win one of these prizes handmade by our talented member artists!

    Top Row L-R: 11BoldStreet - pen; RenGalSA - tietac; PolymerClayCreations - bead set; LaurelSteven - pendant; Chicki - earrings

    2nd Row L-R: Spiritmama - bunny charm; BeeTreeByMe - pendant; ClayHappy - earrings; SCDiva - pendant; ClayCenter - earrings

    3rd Row L-R: NKDesigns - brooch; JKollmann - necklace; RenGalSA - bracelet; ClayCenter - covered tin; LauraBeeStudios - bracelet and earrings set

    By a fantastic bunch of artists.  Check out their shops - I've taken the time to link each of their etsy shops in the listing above - just click on the names and you'll be directed to each shop.  Worth the visit!

    The challenge theme for April is "Inspired by Fabric."

    This is the fabric from which I took my inspiration:


    I bought this about 3 years ago on ebay and I still love it.  In my utter insanity, I had thought at first of making three or four of the white backgrounded canes, and one or two with black and white.  However, I chose one element to adapt, made that, and arranged that in a few different ways and quit!  :)   I think my piece looks fine without having killed myself and investing even more clay than I did already.

    I did make the polka dot cane, too, and the entire piece is polymer clay - I first created a form from cardboard and masking tape, then formed textured clay (more dots!) around it to make the box itself - baked that, then applied the ruffles.  The paisley lid was baked in one go - I have a smaller piece of clay on the inside that keeps the lid from falling off - I baked both pieces at the same time, but as individual pieces.  Then I assembled the pieces together in a "test" pattern, trimmed the inside sheet with a pair of safety scissors and then put the whole thing together with SuperGlue - the only part that's not clay!  :)

    I'm quite happy with it.  The box itself is very sound and square, sits flat, doesn't jiggle, and it really does look like fabric.  What more could one ask?  :)

    Don't forget to vote starting April Fool's Day, April 1. (As one of my fellow artists said about that date in her blog: "No foolin'!") 

    The entries this month are all fantastic - I know we say that every month but I promise you, prepare to be conflicted (except about my piece - we all know you'll vote for that one! ) about your votes. 


March 27, 2010

  • I know, I know...

       I promised the rest of the photos from Jared's birthday weekend at our house right away, but, I gotta tell ya, this has greeted me on my home page all week, and it was just so doggoned cute:

    Adding another blog entry would have bumped that adorable set of peeking eyes off my home page, and I've enjoyed it so much.  :)

    But, here they are.  I'm giving the minimum of explanation, or at least that's the plan.  But you know me, I get a bit carried away. 

    Here's Derek playing with Grammy Regel's cane:


    He was walking around saying "Where's my sheep?"  Then when he found them, he said they needed food.  When asked what he was feeding them, he replied, "Sheep food!"  Well, duh!

    A word about those sandals.  Amy got them either at a yard sale or thrift store.  They are a bit big for him but he really wanted to wear them, and it was so nice last weekend.  Amy went to the store almost as soon as they got here, and Joe took Derek outside, leaving Grammy & Grandma to suffer with Jared.  

    We have stones in our driveway, and the front walk is tiny little stones called screening, and about every other step, Derek got stones in his shoes.  He'd complain and Joe would stop and take off the shoes and dump out the stones and on they'd go.  After about the 4th time, Joe said, "These shoes are crap."  Derek repeated it and Joe said, "Yeah, make sure you tell your mom that!"

    The minute Amy opened the car door when she got back, Derek greeted her with, "Mommy, these shoes are crap!"


    Grammy & Pappy Regel enjoy watching/helping the boys color.  Well, Derek colors. Jared eats crayons.

    Priorities - Derek's got his, and Jared's got his!  Amy's had to adjust with Jared, who wants to eat a MEAL three or four times a day.  Derek is a grazer.  He likes to have food available in bits and pieces all the time.  I also like this pic because it shoes them so clearly in their matching outfits. 

    Joe took this one.  He had no clue why Derek was clapping - he probably did something he considered an accomplishment.  Yeah, Derek!

    Hazel brought Kael up to meet the boys.  They were cute - ignoring one another most of the time, but connected a few times.

    Just two guys and a couple of sippy cups!

    My niece Cathy & her kids stopped in, too.  Here's a cute shot of them just inside the door, with the little guys "surrounded." Both her kids are nearly as tall (or in Jennie's case, close to being taller) as she is, so this was a lot of TALL for Jared, especially. 

    After everyone left, the boys got a bit more comfy, but were still dressed alike:

    I don't remember what Derek was up to in this pic. 

    They both wanted into the Pack'n'Play, and proceeded to wrestle and climb.  If you look carefully, you can see Jared waiting patiently for Derek to let himself fall - right onto Jared!  He was giggling the whole time. 

    Both boys love to be upside down.  This was Derek's turn:

    Here they are, as they are several times every day, frolicking like two puppies on the blow-up bed. 

    Jared's fast learning to bop when he feels threatened, so he's not usually in much danger anymore.  :)   And, he's got 4 pounds and 4 inches on his brother at the same age.  We figure his day's coming and will last much longer than Derek's! 

    I love how intent Derek is in this shot, looking at photos on his mom's camera.

    And speaking of his mom:

    I had gotten the mustache out of a box of Pop-Tarts a while back, on an activity sheet.  I'd laid it aside for Derek, but he wasn't interested.  Amy's a cheap date - she liked it. 

    Speaking of Amy, she got sick over the weekend with a cold that seems to have developed into a sinus infection, and now, poor Derek has a nasty virus.  He vomited a lot for a couple of days and yesterday he barely moved off the sofa, although he shows no signs of dehydration.  We figure Jared's next, and probably Joe & Amy, too.  :(

    And, watch this space tomorrow (and it WILL be tomorrow, I promise!) because it's that time of the month, for the next PCAGOE Monthly Challenge.  I'm especially happy with my entry, but you'll have to wait for the photos.  :)


March 21, 2010

  • Jared's One!

    Jared's first birthday was officially March 16th, but it's been celebrated several times since.  :)   This weekend, in fact, has been one long celebration and we're not quite through.  They came up from Maryland to celebrate with family and friends here, and we've been enjoying every moment with him.  We've taken hundreds of photos but these are my favorites, of just our birthday boy.

    My very very very favorite photo, Jared in Grandpa's rocking chair on the front porch:

    Jared wanting to be where someone else was - outside:

    Jared the way we see him most of the time - with his tongue hanging out:

    Jared toddling:

    Jared sharing a moment with Grandpa Faron:

    Jared being mischievious:

    Jared being all boy:

    Jared eating chips:

    Jared with a drool-wet-shirt, dirty face and munchin' on a nanner:

    That expression is priceless!

    We love you, beautiful boy!  You have brought so much joy to all of us in that one quick year - I know the years ahead will be more of the same and always unique and fun.  Happy birthday!


    PS  More more more photos to come, this time with other people involved.  :)

March 18, 2010

  • Speaking of GREEN...

    Bet you thought yesterday was St Patrick's Day.  Right? 

    WRONG!  At least not if you work at Grizzly Incorporated, Muncy. At Grizzly, it was Leprechaun (aka "Faron") Day.

    The gang at Grizzly dubbed Faron with that nickname a while ago, and yesterday, they honored him on "his" special day.

    A box of his own special cereal, and his friend, Steve, turned this beautiful bowl. 

    Here's the profile, which is very pretty:

    He even signed it, for posterity:

    Being called a leprechaun is worth these kinds of gifts, don't you think? :)

    Derek was quite pleased to hear Grandpa Faron has Lucky Charms with "farshfellows"  He's quite fond of farshfellows these days.  Amy says he'll find every one of 'em! 

    Tomorrow this time our boys should be here with their mommy & daddy, being spoiled by two grandmas and two grandpas!  Whoohoo!

    Saturday all three grandmas and grandpas will be here.  Double whoohoo!


    PS My right foot is an absolute mess.  For right now I'm bed-fast until this clears up.  I'm gooped up and trying to stay off of it, but I hate being completely grounded with the kids here this weekend. :( Please pray it passes quickly!

March 15, 2010

  • It's all about green stuff.


    No, not really, but sometimes it seems that way, too. 

    No, I'm talkin' growing green stuff.  Faron's into obsessing with the gardens even before it's time to plant anything.  He built himself a garden "nursery" which now resides in the living room, but next winter, hopefully, it'll be out in his "man room," which, like the rest of the house, will have HEAT by then. 

    Years ago, when they were leaving this area, Lois gave me her typing table.  She told me recently she'd gotten it when she was 21.  That wa a few years ago.    Her parents got her an electric typewriter for her 21st birthday, and she bought the typing table.  I used it in my "office' for years as a work table, and I think my word processor lived on it for years, too.  When we went to computers and we bought a computer desk, I didn't need it anymore, and, quite frankly, I thought Faron pitched it.  But no, it was just in the basement, waiting to be repurposed yet again. 

    He put a piece of OSB on top of it to make it bigger, built a stand from some piping he had around the garage, took the florescent light that used to be over the work bench in the basement and hung it from this stand and voila!  A mini-seedling nursery. 

    He spent less than $2 for some bolts to put the stand together.  So far, a few of the tomatoes of sprouted, and that's it.  He's got tomatoes, green peppers and cherry tomatoes in one, and several flowers going in the other. 

    Clever guy! 

    But for green stuff, the best place to see it at our house right now is down in the big garden:

    They planted rye grass last fall to help restore some needed nutrients.  They'll till it all under sometime soon, but for now it's a pretty green carpet in a sea of icky dead grass.  I did notice that up here close to the house there's a BIT of green...can you tell where our septic tank is??  :)

    I've been a claying fool - I have a TON of stuff to sand and just as much waiting to be baked.  I BUSY ME!  :)


March 12, 2010

  • Hey, check this out! Free stuff for a lucky person!

    The Crash Test Dummies are having a give-away of "signature" products from Lisa Pavelka, one of the Big Names in polymer clay design. 

    If you follow the links to their site, you can find out how to enter.  Hint:  I'm entering by posting this entry.  :)

    Not a lot going on this week.  Faron's been tending his seedlings - he planted tomatoes, peppers and ...something else.  :)   He bought onion sets and strawberry plants and this weekend he and Jason will put the rototiller on the Kubota and start turning over the soil in the garden behind the pole shed.  Not quite time to plant the big garden, where they put in the larger crops like corn and potatoes and the pumpkins, of course!  :)

    Our sweet Jared will have his first birthday in just a few days!  Joe and Amy have had the very generous idea of celebrating it here in Williamsport next weekend, so we're looking forward to a nice long visit (Thursday night through Sunday) with the four of them!  Joe's extended family as well as all of us missed out on Derek's first birthday as it was in Maryland, so Amy figured this was a good way to include all of us and return some hospitality - the party is going to be at the Children's Discovery Workshop at the YMCA.  The CDW used to be open to the public but is now only open for birthdays - the rest of the time it's used by the daycare at the Y. 

    I've been claying a good bit - working on some fun new techniques - half borrowed and half my own invention.  I should have photos and have them ready to list on Etsy in the next couple of days.  I'm also working on the challenge piece for the June challenge, which is going to be very special.  We were all provided with the same small tin to cover, the theme being "Outside the Box," and we must have them finished and mailed to one of the officers of the Guild for her to photograph and make special listings for an online auction of sorts, all proceeds to go to charity.  Usually our actual entry pieces are only entered into the challenges via photos on the Internet.  So this one is special and very challenging.  The tin, by the way, is SMALL!   

    I'm tossing around ideas still for the April challenge, which is "Inspired by Fabric."  I've seen some of the competition already and I'm worried!  I haven'thad an "aha!" moment yet for this challenge so ...

    Also have been working on Faron's barn and another house.  I like having lots of different projects happening.  It's hard keeping the various clays I've blended for each project separate and yet close at hand, but my room is a disaster area anyway. 

    So that's it.  Remember that giveaway - well worth taking a look if you are a crafter and might want to try some cool projects in polymer clay. 


March 8, 2010

  • And we have the winners of this month's Challenge!

    March Challenge Winners!

    The votes have been counted and here are the winners of the March PCAGOE challenge.


    1st Place - Yonat of YonatDascalu


    2nd Place - Christi of RiverValleyDesign


    3rd Place - Dottie of Stonebrash



    1st Place - Sage of TheSageArts


    2nd Place - Yonat of YonatDascalu


    3rd Place - Arzu of ArzuMusa


    Congratulations, everyone!

    221 votes were cast this month, from the following countries:

    United States - 177
    Isreal - 22
    Australia - 7
    Canada - 4
    Turkey - 3
    Great Britain - 2
    New Zealand - 2
    Spain - 1
    Latvia - 1
    Malaysia - 1
    Czech Republic - 1

    Comments left by the voters:

    Yonat Dascalu is one of the greatest artists ever! And the best I have ever seen!

    I don't know how we're supposed to choose only three winners! They're all winners in my book. All of the artists create the most beautiful designs and are all very talented people. I hope they persue their passions for the rest of their lives. Thank you for the opportunity to view them.

    I love the classic look of the Lost City Amulet Necklace by RozPetalz Studio. It would coordinate beautifully with several of my outfits and one in particular that I plan to wear to a Spring concert.

    Lovely items, as always. I love #19 as it not only uses texture in its construction,but has a quirky and unusual theme. I love it when people use some lateral thinking!

    I loved all the entries, but I especially liked #16. It seem so peaceful!

    In awe with all the entries this month. Everyone did an amazing job with this theme and it was difficult to choose. All the artists here are sooo tallented!!Makes me proud to be a member!

    I adore these challenges. All of the artists are very talented! It is fun voting, too.

    The colors, symetry and originality make it (#14) a winner to me.

    Every one of those are beautiful. I love an artist who creats from the heart.

    What inspiring textural eye candy. So enjoyed looking at some wonderful pieces!

    I absolutely love this leafy textured bangle. It is beautiful and I think it is a perfect winner for this challenge. I also love this rainbow seashell pendant. Beautiful colors and design. This would also be a great winner. The violet textured Star is also one of my favorites. I would love to wear this myself! I had a very hard time deciding. Each and every peice is wonderful! So much talent!!!

    All the entries were outstanding, it took a couple of hours to finally make a decision.

    I am continually amazed with the variety thay you can create with polymer clay. Great job.

    I chose SC Diva's entry as my number 1 because it is so innovative, not to mention totally beautiful and gorgeously finished. An amazing array of talent this month, and even though I had three votes - it was still a very hard choice.

    I have been impressed by the way MichelesArtJewerly has to transform "plastic" into "stone", it's amazing and inspiring. I also liked the tiny and almost real flowers by ArrowdaleArtStudio. Thanks a lot to all the other artists for their creations!

    The bracelet by HiGirls is very beautiful and graceful.

    A couple of photos missed out on my vote because I could not see their picture either at all or close up. I like to see the photo close up especially when it is a texture vote.

    The entries were hard to choose from. I know detail is very hard to achieve and many had intricate detail. Hard to choose from. Enjoyed taking the time to vote and appreciate the hard work put into them.

    Love your site. So much info

    This was one fabulous challenge-all the entries were stunning making this one tough voting process! But all these entries are #1 in my book!!

    This is by far the best and hardest challenge to choose just 3 favorites. Every entry is great.

    The entries are all so beautiful. It was very hard to choose but SC Diva's tribute to her partents tugged at my heartstrings. I had to choose the Wedding Invitation as my 1st place recipient.

    The level of expertise in this month's challenge is truly awe inspiring. It was almost impossible to just vote for three.

    * * * * * * *

    My brain is hard at work thinking up ideas for next month: "Inspired by Fabric."  

    Thanks to all who voted!


March 7, 2010

  • Amy says because of the magnets on the fridge

    That this photo isn't perfect.  I beg to differ.

    I've been chuckling since I saw it.  This is, according to Amy, what happens when Dad has the kids.  Come on, Aim.  Nothing like this happens on your watch? :)   I notice he's going for the soda, too.  Whatta kid!  :) Perfect expression too.  "What?"

    10 days til his first birthday and he knows what he wants and he's pretty sure how to get it!
